How to close Slice credit card Permanently

Welcome to this blog post How to close Slice credit card. cards are crucial for managing finances in the current financial world. Like other credit cards, the Slice credit card has a lot of benefits in our life. However, conditions frequently require a permanent shutdown of a credit card account.

Recognising the closure process is essential whether it’s as a result of altering financial platform, dissatisfaction or altered spending patterns. This thorough guide will help you close your Slice Credit Card by describing the reasons behind it, its repercussions, and necessary actions.

By the time you’re done, you’ll be able to make this financial decision confidently and with expertise for a stable financial future. Join me when we set out on this valuable trip.

Steps for close Slice credit card

Step-01: Firstly Open your phone and open gmail app in it.

Step-02: Send a email to, described all query very carefully and detailly. Also mention your slice username, credit card details like number, expiry data in this mail for identification.

Step-03: After some days a reply comes from the slice team that your account can’t be deleted permanently. It can be temporarily blocked.

But if one is intrested in delete slice credit card Permanently they should follow the following described steps.

Step-04: for Permanently deleting your slice credit card you have to inform about this problem to Reserved Bank of India (RBI). By their official email address.

You can also use the below email application fro sharing your problem with RBI.

Request for Permanently close Slice credit card

Respective [RBI Customer Support],

I hope this email finds this email application. I am writing to formally request the permanent deletion of my Slice credit card from the records of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) also from slice database. The details of the card are as follows:

Cardholder Name: [Your Name]
Card Number: [Your Card Number]
Date of Issue: [Date of Issue]
Date of Expiry: [Date of Expiry]

I have carefully considered my financial circumstances and have decided to close slice credit card Permanently. I would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and confirmation of the card’s removal from the RBI records.

If any further information is needed to process this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Contact Information].

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]

Step-05: Then RBI study about this problem And try to contact with slice. You have to wait few days.

Step-06: After some day a conformational email come saying your slice credit card is deleted Permanently.

conformational email from slice

read- How to Delete Blinkit Account.

FAQs By TechyDigit

Can we close slice account permanently?

Yes , one can Permanently close Slice credit card . According to today’s law every user have right’s to delete or close their personal information from other websites or applications database completely.

Is Slice approved by RBI?

Yes slice is approved by RBI, which is the main root of Indian banking system.


At the end I will say that close Slice Credit Card is a big financial choice. The motivations, effects, and steps connected with this procedure have all been explained by this guide.

You are now prepared, from understanding the effects on credit scores to investigating options after a closing. Always stay in mind that financial decisions require thoughtful thought. Use this knowledge going forward to make decisions that are in line with your financial objectives.

The larger narrative is about effectively handling your finances and achieving over time financial safety; closing a credit card is simply one chapter in that story. Here’s to your future financial journey being steered by informed and well-informed options!

for more details visit-

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Subham Kumar Sahoo
Subham Kumar Sahoo

This Subham , your tech-savvy companion here at TechyDigit. With a deep-rooted passion for all things tech,I have more than 5 year of Experience in this field . Join me on this exciting journey of exploration and discovery in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

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